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Vin Decoding Software Program

Without a doubt, decoding digital signals at the software level has grown in recent years, easily supplanting the hardware decoders, since software packages can be updated and are generally free of hardware constraints (there are a few that need a dongle, though). These packages run the gamut from free to the ultra-expensive - and often with the jump inprice, you get more complete analysis tools, which may not necessarily be useful forsomeone starting out.Note that anything in green can interface with some. See the for more information. There are a few programs that combine radio control and digital decoding. This is acategory that isn't well explored by most manufacturers, but is unique for its all in one approach. Flrig is needed for interfacing with FLdigi for transceiver control.

MixW interfaces with the Funcube Dongle. Also see for SDRPlay SDRs.


MultiPSK interfaces with the Funcube Dongle (all versions), RTL/SDR, Softrock and SDRPlay SDRs. PC-ALE. Can be obtained from the website. Note: Software has been discontinued.

Vin Decoding Software Program Free

Use as historical reference only. See this on the WinRadio website for compatible receiversSoundcard Digital Decoders.

Without a doubt, most of the active development has been in the area of decodingusing a simple connection to a sound card in a computer. Many such packages now exist, with more gradually making their way onto the market. Even here, some have extensiveaids, waterfall displays and other devices to help decode (and sometimes analyze) an unknown signal. Note: Windows and Mac versions available.

Updated versions of these 2 decoders can be found at the. Yet Another DSC Decoder (YADD). Yet Another NAVTEX Decoder (YAND). Note Page is in GermanSelcall Decoders.

What if you're using a less expensive program, or perhaps using a PK232 and would like a better tuning aid, or would like to do some NATviewing with an analyzer? Well, up to a few years ago, you were out of luck. With the development of DSP processing, and the popularity ofsoundcard programs, such programs are now readily available.

Some allow you to create your own filters, view a signal withan audio spectrum analyzer, and more. Return to. Return to. Return to. Return to. Return to. Go to.